Using the form below, contact me with any questions or comments you may have. For urgent issues, please call 911.
I will try to answer your questions as promptly as possible, please forgive me for the brevity of my response. Please leave a contact number and the best time you may reached at, as some questions may be too difficult for my two fingers to answer.
Finally, if you have any comments on this website to make it better, I will try my best to confidentially give your advice.
Felix L. Song, M.D., LLC
P.O. Box 2927 - Honolulu, Hawaii 96802
(213) 222-6665
Dr Song practices in Honolulu, but the answering service has moved to the mainland. I apologize for this incovenience.
Disclaimer About Medical Information: The information and reference materials contained in this web site are intended solely for the information of the reader. The information should not be used for diagnostic or treatment purposes, but rather for discussion with the patient's own physician. All visitors to this web site agree to read and abide by the complete terms of legal agreement and legal disclaimers found at the disclaimer page: Visitors must read the legal agreement and legal disclaimers.